Trendinvestor Lock Up Period
We have a lock up period of a minimum of 3 calendar months which is effectively 90 days. This means quite simply that we need notice before each calendar quarter, and we pay out at the end of each calendar quarter.
Example today is December 8th 2021 if for whatever reason you required your investment back and today you gave us notice, you would be paid back at the end of the first quarter 2022, so March 31st 2022.
This gives us time to exit part of our position that is representative of your account size within the last week of the quarter in question. In this example it would be the last week of March 2022. It also gives the customer a period to think again, as to whether they really wish to leave Trendinvestor.
If they change their minds, which is what we hope, as long as they provide us with communication before the last week of the quarter in question, that is absolutely fine, their account remains open with Trendinvestor.
We try to keep everything as simple and as open as possible, and we try to explain logically and openly why we have these policies in place.